main of Snack Time Can Stay Vegan With These Great Choices

Have you ever found yourself interested in trying a new diet or trend but find it difficult to stick to your commitment the longer the day goes by? Whether you're fairly new to the Vegan food scene, enjoy trying vegan snacks, or just want to open up your options a little bit during snack time, eating vegan could be easier than you think. For many, veganism is a way of eating that is overall nutritious, good for the environment, and an ethical way to eat without harming or utilizing animal products. Even swapping out your regular string cheese stick as a snack every day could have some unforeseen health benefits. Keep reading to hear about a few vegan snack recipes that you can whip up within minutes throughout the day.

1 - Mixed Berries and Granola

Most people love the taste of fruit, but it actually has more going for it than just flavor. Antioxidants and Vitamin K in blueberries would be a great option, and the granola on the side would be great for a bit of fiber from the oats, and a touch of sweetness to keep you working through the afternoon. If you want to jazz it up a bit, some vegan coconut yogurt would add a bit more substance to a fairly small snack.

2 - Carrots, Bell Peppers and Hummus

Although pita chips would work as well, the vitamins from the carrots and bell peppers will add a bit more nutrition to your daily diet, and compliment the hummus just as well! While some vegan food sounds boring and bland, carrots and bell peppers get a flavor boost when combined with some tasty hummus. The protein from the chickpeas with the flavor from the pine nuts and garlic makes this treat a great vegan snack.

3 - Banana “Nice” Cream

For sweet lovers everywhere, mid-afternoon can be a dangerous time and can quickly end with you holding a candy bar in your hand as your snack. While this is a fine option for once in a while circumstances, the ingredients do unsurprisingly very little to give you the energy to make it throughout the day. Instead, keep some frozen bananas on hand for when your sweet tooth strikes to blend up and make homemade banana "nice" cream. If you need a little bit more than the potassium filled yellow fruit, feel free to add some unsweetened almond butter for some healthy fats, or even some dark chocolate to replicate a chocolate peanut butter cup. We all scream for (n)ice cream!

4 - Trail Mix

If you're not near a kitchen and need something easy to grab and go while you're on the move, trail mix is the perfect option. With grocery stores making many different mixes, you can find one that is completely vegan. However, since most of them have those delightful little chocolate candy-coated bits, you can create your own ahead of time to your liking! Some great ingredients are dried fruit (like cranberries, raisins, bananas, or even pineapple), an assortment of roasted nuts, and even little bits of chocolate or cereal if you're craving something sweet. The sky's the limit to make your snack mix.

5 - Avocado Pretzels

With vegan options becoming more and more popular, there's no reason you have to ditch your favorite snacks when starting a vegan or even semi-vegan diet. Taking some vegan pretzel chips or pretzels, mash up half of an avocado and dip or coat. For some added flavor, feel free to sprinkle some everything but the bagel seasoning or some garlic salt. This salty snack has healthy fats and vitamins from the avocado, while still keeping that crunchy deliciousness from the pretzel.

6 - Protein Smoothie

If you're a frequent gym-goer, or a new vegan trying to get more protein in your diet, smoothies are a great option for those on the go. While being both handheld and nutritious, the sky's the limit for a mid-day smoothie recipe. Taking some vegan protein powder and almond milk, add a few ice cubes and your favorite fruit to a blender and blend. Pour in a to-go cup, and be on your merry way knowing you made a nutritious yet filling mid-day protein booster!