main of A Glass of Kombuhca Could See Your Health Benefit in Multiple Ways

One of the latest trends in healthy eating is the popularity of kombucha. While this fermented tea has been around for thousands of years, it is only recently that it has become a staple in the diets of many people looking to boost their health and overall well-being. This product boasts the same health benefits of tea along with additional advantages. Like other types of fermented foods, kombucha features a myriad of healthy acids, antioxidants, and living probiotics. All of these benefits combine to rid the body of harmful bacteria and help to mitigate the effects of many diseases and illnesses. As a bonus, the beverage's sweet and fizzy taste makes it refreshing and thirst-quenching. You can purchase kombucha already prepared or you can try your hand at making your own. However you decide to get your kombucha, here are five reasons why you should consider making kombucha an integral part of your health and wellness routine.

1 - Kills Bad Bacteria

Kombucha is rich in a variety of tea polyphenols and acids. Echoing the same health benefits of vinegar, this acid is produced during the fermentation process of the drink. The presence of the acid is beneficial because it kills many potentially harmful microbes. This helps to battle bacteria in the body and prevents infections as a result. By reducing your risk of infection and promoting healthy detoxification, your body will benefit in numerous tangible ways from drinking kombucha.

2 - Boosts Antioxidants

One of the biggest reasons to drink kombucha is because the drink offers a variety of antioxidants. The power of antioxidants cannot be disputed. These substances prevent or slow down the cell damage at the hands of free radicals. Studies have found that antioxidants also reduce the level of toxicity in the liver, reducing inflammation in the process. While you can get antioxidants from supplements, it is more beneficial to receive this benefit directly from food and drink products. This antioxidant presence is even more powerful when the kombucha is made with green tea.

3 - Improves Gut Health

The fermentation process that goes into making kombucha contributes to the presence of probiotics in the drink. The probiotic bacteria are similar to the healthy bacteria that the gut naturally produces. By consuming probiotic bacteria in additional ways, you will improve the overall health of your gut. A healthier gut provides numerous benefits, including boosting the immune system, reducing stomach and digestive issues, and more. Many kombucha drinkers simply report feeling better in the gut as a result of drinking the beverage.

4 - Potential Protection Against Cancer

While the research is still relatively new, many scientists now believe that kombucha may play a role in providing protection against cancer. It has long been suspected that tea polyphenols may provide various anti-cancer properties. Test-tube studies have demonstrated that kombucha may be helpful in suppressing the growth of cancer cells. Another study showed that kombucha decreased the survival rate of cancer cells. The results of these studies indicate that drinking kombucha could have both preventative and treatment effects on cancer.

5 - Managing Type 2 Diabetes

Individuals with diabetes may also see health benefits when drinking kombucha. More than 300 million people worldwide have type 2 diabetes, distinguished by high blood sugar levels and struggles with breaking down sugar. On its own, green tea has been shown to lower blood sugar levels. When added with kombucha, the drink may slow down the digestion of carbohydrates to lower these levels. Kombucha may also play a role in boosting liver and kidney function to help to control the onset and symptoms of diabetes.