main of Snoring Is One of the Most Common Health Issues Anyone Can Deal With

Awakening to the sound of your spouse or family members snoring at night can be a bit irritating. Regardless of age, snoring is a quite common affliction across the world. This condition occurs when the air flow to your internal respiratory system is blocked during sleep. The sounds emitted when this occurs can differ per individual based on the way that they are sleeping, pre existing conditions, and more.

Almost everyone snores at least once in their lifetime, but for some, this condition can occur for years. Often, it can indicate an underlying condition, such as sleep apnea. If you have ever been told that you have been snoring while you are sleeping, there are easy ways to treat the condition. To identify if you have this condition, look out for: headaches, fatigue, chest aches at night, hypertension, insomnia, gasping for air during the night, sore throat in mornings or a partner or family member just witnessing you snoring. 

Causes of Snoring

Snoring can be caused by a number of reasons, with the most common being obstructive sleep apnea. OSA is a medical condition in which there are pauses between breaths while a person is asleep. This is due to an airway blockage or collapse and is characterized by pauses between breaths and then gasping for air after the pauses. When a person experiences chronic snoring, OSA is often the underlying cause because it directly describes an airway blockage. If this is not the reason for your condition, other factors such as habits, anatomy, or congestion, may be to blame.

Different sizes and shapes of noses may be a contributing factor of snoring. When the septum is bent or crooked, airflow can become blocked; however, this can also occur if there are any growths within the nasal passageways. Blockage within the nasal passageways can lead to a constricted airflow.

In addition, studies have shown that habits, such as smoking and alcohol consumption, can cause snoring. Alcohol produces a calming effect on the body and can act as a sedative to relax the muscles surrounding the nasal airways. Smoking has been found to cause inflammation in the airways and cause breathing to become difficult. While these habits can be difficult to break, it is best to limit your intakes to control snoring.

The last contributing factor to snoring is congestion. This is caused by illness or allergies. Using nasal sprays can easily resolve this issue by moisturizing the nasal passageways and allowing proper airflow.

Stop Snoring Aids

Snoring can ruin a good night’s rest not only for you, but for those sleeping in the same house. If you have been experiencing this condition for some time, it may be a good idea to consult with a physician; however, less frequent snoring can be solved with simple home remedies.

The easiest way to resolve mild snoring is by changing your sleeping position. Most individuals sleep in the lateral position, meaning that they sleep on the side of their bodies. By changing this position to lying on your back or by placing an extra pillow underneath your head, you will be allowing air to properly flow within your body. Your passageways will be less constricted, and you will experience an improved sleep.

Another way to stop snoring is by purchasing an anti-snoring aid, such as a nasal spray, air humidifier, or mouth guard. These aids will assist in stopping snoring by moisturizing the air, reducing congestion, and opening your airways while you sleep. The nasal passages can be easily irritated by dust and allergens while you sleep, so it is best to engage in frequent cleaning.

Often, lifestyle changes are the best way to fix any health concern. Snoring can be aided through losing weight, quitting harmful habits, exercise, and a better diet. A healthy person is less likely to snore at night and will experience fewer health concerns as he/she ages. If your condition is caused by an underlying condition, such as OSA or allergies, it is best to discuss your options with your doctor. A diagnosis will allow him to prescribe the most effective treatment for you.