main of Actions Can Be Taken to fight Obesity

According to the CDC, 42 out of every 100 Americans are obese. Over the past two decades, the prevalence rate of obesity has been on a strong upward trend: it has increased from roughly 30% in 2000 to over 40% today. Obesity is also expensive for the American economy. The CDC estimates that Americans spend more than $147 billion every year to treat obesity complications. The statistics also show that middle-aged (between 40 and 59 years) Americans have the highest obesity prevalence rate.

Being obese means being overweight. According to science, a healthy weight is determined by a person’s body mass index or BMI, which depends on that person’s height and weight. A person with a BMI of between 18 and 25 is considered healthy while someone with a BMI of above 30 is obese. Being obese can lead to heart complications and multiple organ failure because the body is struggling to keep up with that person’s weight. The good news is that obesity doesn’t need to weigh a person down forever. There are ways to reduce the impact of obesity. 

Identifying the Cause of Obesity

There’s many different reasons why people suffer from obesity. In many cases it’s a combination of several factors. By identifying the reason that obesity is present, an action plan can be formed. Some of the likely reasons include: 

  • Addiction to Unhealthy Foods - Fast foods and ready-to-eat meals are partly responsible for the obesity crisis. These foods are processed with preservatives to keep them fresh for a long time and contain high amounts of sugar to get people hooked. They’re also very affordable, which means that most people can buy them. Most people can’t control themselves near these foods; they take one bite and then need another. The more they eat, the more weight they gain. It’s an easy spiral to fall into. 
  • Heredity - Studies have shown that people can become obese if a member of the family has the same problem. Just like alcoholism, obesity can be passed down from one generation to another.
  • Medication - Certain drugs can increase the appetite of an individual and make them eat more than they should. Other medications can change the way the body handles items like carbohydrates, converting them into fat to be stored more easily. 
  • Sedentary Lifestyle - Compared to a few years ago when people used to work in factories and move around, today’s work environment is less demanding physically. A person can sit on the computer from Monday to Friday for 8 hours every day. The lack of movement or physical activity also contributes to one becoming obese.

Changing Diet

The first step towards combating obesity is changing one’s diet. It starts with a conscious decision to switch to healthy foods. Unfortunately, things won’t happen overnight because it takes time to develop a new habit. The change should be gradual. The person can start by trying one healthy meal every day. For example, eating a healthy breakfast full of fiber in the first month is a great start.

Success can depend on incorporating a diet plan with discipline. People should know how they’re going to incorporate healthy diets into their lifestyle. For example, during the second month, the person can try cutting down on their portions by at least 25% and eating fruit with every meal. They should also consider switching to smaller plates as a way to manage their portions. It’s a simple optical trick. If the small plate looks full, people often feel more satisfied with it. 

Developing an Exercise Regime

The second step towards fighting obesity is to exercise. An obese person is not going to lose weight by changing their diet alone, they also have to be active. The body needs to be in a state of motion for it to burn excess fats. Before one develops an exercise regime, they need to assess their fitness levels. They can do that by counting how long it takes them to complete a one and half-mile walk. They can also measure their fitness levels by calculating their body mass index.

Next, the person should discuss their fitness goals with a trainer. The professional trainer will design exercise programs for that person. Another reason why a person should work with a trainer is because they can push them to be consistent.

Training isn’t supposed to be done every day of the week because the body needs time to rest. Therefore, a person should create an exercise schedule. They should choose days that are most convenient for them. From there, the workouts begin. Starting slow and building to higher goals is key to not becoming injured and disillusioned.