main of Stress Is Dangerous and Needs to Be Managed

If people were to give their opinion about the most debilitating conditions society faces as a whole, their answers would range from unforeseen car accidents and work-related incidents to cardiovascular damage and diabetes. While those answers hold merit, there's a silent killer that no one talks about: stress and stress-related side effects.

For most individuals, stress is an experience that comes and goes: From the moment they learn about an upcoming project at work to the moment when their child begins to drive by themselves, stress sneaks into their lifestyles and wreaks havoc without a trace. Here are some techniques and strategies that individuals who lead stress-free and productive lifestyles implement daily to deal with difficult situations and come out on top.

The Dangers of Stress

The most dangerous component of stress is that people don't take it seriously. For them, stress rears its ugly face from time to time, but they never pay much attention once the ordeal has passed.

However, scientific data surrounding the world of stress clearly states that individuals who regularly deal with stressful situations have real-world consequences from their poor stress-management skills. While each person has their own unique symptoms and side effects, here are the most common:

  • Premature aging
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Heart disease
  • Emotional instability
  • Obesity
  • Alzheimer's disease exacerbation
  • Chronic fatigue

When stress goes unchecked, patients pay for it with their health and quality of life. It should be noted that although stress can seem like a never-ending battle with no end in sight, there are tried-and-true techniques and practices to reduce the side effects stress causes.


Front-loading tasks for the morning is a critical component of a stress-free person's day. From the moment their alarm clock snaps them out of slumber to the time they lie their head on their pillow, their day is regimented to tackle challenging problems right as their day begins.

Individuals have a limited amount of energy in which to use throughout their waking hours. When people begin their day by tackling menial tasks, such as putting their trash on the curb, cleaning their drawers, and organizing their shoes, they're burning valuable energy to apply towards demanding issues. Once they're mentally drained from spinning their wheels, work and chores cause crippling stress and worry.

Readers who desire a stress-free lifestyle should start their routine by addressing pertinent tasks first, followed by trivial chores later in the day. Whether it's making a sales call to a prospective client or tackling a study session, these tasks should take precedence over non-critical actions and commitments.

Breathing Techniques

Breathing techniques are, without a doubt, one of the most effective means of reducing stress and feeling better. For most practitioners who partake in breathing practices, their moods begin to elevate in as little as 10 or 15 minutes after their session. Like stress, breathing techniques come in many different forms, and it's up to the practitioner to find a framework that reduces stress and fits into their busy schedule. Here are the core underpinnings that make up standard breathing techniques for stress reduction:

  • Set aside time to be undisturbed.
  • Breathe in slowly for three to five seconds.
  • Controlled exhalation for ten to fifteen seconds.
  • Repeat this back-and-forth process for five or ten minutes.
  • For additional stress relief, some practitioners add the sound of rain, white noise or relaxing music.

Many individuals feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle their day once their breathing session concludes. For stress-free productivity and energy, deep breathing is a must!

Focus and Intentionality

Stress and chaos go together like milk and cookies. For individuals who value stress-free living, being intentional with their actions and time is essential. Time is, without a doubt, the most precious commodity that humans have, and when people learn to spend it on what matters, happiness grows, and stress melts away into the background.