main of Avoiding a Root Canal Requires Good Dental Health

When a person has a root canal, it is a treatment to help to repair a tooth that is infected or severely decayed. When there is a decaying or infected tooth, the nerve and pulp of the tooth will become irritated and inflamed. This can cause severe pain and needs a root canal as soon as possible. During the root canal procedure, the pulp and nerve are removed, and the tooth is sealed. This will help to prevent bacteria from entering the tooth again.

Root canals can be expensive and somewhat painful to recover from. The best way to avoid a root canal is to brush regularly, see the dentist often, and take care of the teeth. Having overall good oral health can help a person to avoid having to have a root canal.

When is a Root Canal Needed?

When a root canal is needed, there will be several signs that a person may have. These include:

  • Tooth sensitivity - If a person has very sensitive teeth, especially with hot and cold items, this is a sign that a root canal may be needed.
  • Sharp pain - Sharp pain, especially when biting on food, needs to be seen about as soon as possible.
  • Chipped or cracked teeth - Chipped and cracked teeth can allow bacteria down into the tooth.
  • Decay or dark gums - When there are dark gums present, this is a sign of decay. The decay can easily get into the tooth and cause a major infection.
  • Pimples on the gums - Pimples on the gums is a sign of infection and should be looked at immediately.
  • Swollen and painful gums - Swollen and painful gums are a sign of gum decay and needs to be treated immediately. If this is treated quickly enough, it can help prevent you from having to get a root canal.

The Procedure

A dentist will perform a root canal. In some cases, a person may see a specialist known as an endodontist. This will be the case if the root canal will be a difficult one.The steps of the procedure are:

  • X-rays will be taken of the area of the tooth to see the infection if there is one. Once the X-ray has been taken, a person undergoing this procedure will be given a local numbing agent to ensure that there is no pain.
  • The next step will be drilling into the tooth to allow access. Once this drill has finished, the nerve tissue, pulp, and bacteria will need to be removed. The area will be cleaned out well to ensure that there is nothing left. After everything is cleaned out, the tooth will then be washed out with water.
  • Once the tooth has been cleaned, it will be sealed. Some dentists will not seal the tooth at the appointment. This is especially true if the person has had an infection. If the root canal is not sealed, a temporary crown will be installed to protect it while waiting for the procedure to be finished.
  • When the tooth has been sealed, it may need a crown or other type of restoration to keep it from breaking. A dentist will discuss this at length with the person getting the root canal. They will help them to make an informed decision on what they should have done.

How Much Does a Root Canal Cost?

Root canal costs will vary depending on the tooth that is affected and how large the issue is. Typically, a person can expect to pay up to $1,000 for an incisor and up to $1,500 for a molar. This price does include the entire procedure, but if a person needs a dental restoration, this price will be higher. The price will also be higher if a person has to see an endodontist who can charge twice as much as someone would pay at a regular dentist. When a person is curious as to how much their root canal will be, they can speak at length with their dentist to determine the final cost of the procedure. Many dental insurance companies will cover this procedure in its entirety.