main of Improve Your Health By Improving Your Time Management Skills

Healthy living plans often get pushed to the final moments of the day or skipped entirely. Unfortunately, exercising and eating a nutritious diet are some of the most potent ways to increase productivity and quality of life. They should be priorities and never afterthoughts since they can skyrocket energy levels and significantly boost feelings of happiness.

The real challenge for most Americans isn't knowing what they should be doing but somehow finding sufficient time to do it. In a world that often demands 24/7 access from employers and allows friends just a few seconds to connect through Instagram posts, is it any wonder that Americans have reached their limit? Sadly, fat, frazzled, and fuzzy thinking are the order of the day for much of the population.

Health Benefits of Time Management

Time management might sound like the lackluster stuff of high school student leaflets or employee handbooks, but it is an ingredient of a healthy life. Even though schedules and to-do lists may be overflowing with good intentions, time is possibly the most wasted commodity on the planet. Manage it well, and it can bring renewed vigor to life.

Much of the rejuvenation from improved time management skills is due to stress reduction. Running around from task to task with little planning is more than just inefficient; it is a recipe for elevated stress hormones. Stress hormones have been linked with increased fat deposits in the abdomen and type 2 diabetes. Stemming stress hormones will cascade into increased feelings of calmness and mental balance.

Better time management skills also create additional pockets of time. This time can be used for exercise or preparing healthy meals. Performing meditation, deep breathing, or other mindfulness practices can bring you blissful inner quiet.

Tips for Improving Time Management

Fortunately, time management skills are easy to improve using the following five tips.

Tip #1: Make A Master List

A master list is a list of all tasks for the day. It can be a running list on a phone app or a piece of paper. This tip will provide a helpful overview.

Tip #2: Choose A Daily Top Three

A master list can be intimidatingly lengthy. Once it is complete, the next step is to choose the three tasks that must be accomplished before the end of the day. Don't sneak in a few extra tasks. First, focus on finishing the daily top three.

Tip #3: Use The Pomodoro Technique

Pomodoro is the Italian word for "tomato." This technique is named after the tomato-shaped kitchen timer its inventor used to develop it. The steps of the Pomodoro technique are:

  1. Set a timer for 25 minutes.
  2. Work on a chosen task until the timer chimes.
  3. Take a five-minute break
  4. Complete steps one through three a total of three or four times
  5. Take a 20 to 30-minute break.
  6. Repeat steps one through five until you’ve completed your tasks.

Tip #4: Batch Boring Tasks

While the Pomodoro Technique is an excellent choice for longer projects, efficiently completing small daily tasks can be challenging. Batching is a boon to those facing a mountain of drudgery. The beauty of this technique lies in its simplicity. Complete similar jobs or errands in succession. For example, take a few seconds to clean your sink after dishes, or drop off the dry cleaning on the way to the grocery store.

Tip #5: Don’t Be Afraid To Delegate

When time is still short, don't be afraid to get help. Time management happens on exceptionally personal terms, and sometimes the best course of action is to get professional assistance. Hire a housecleaner. Get a dog walker. Do whatever it takes to make the best use of time.

Following these tips help people to focus on what matters, finish what needs to be done, and enjoy some breathing room in the daily schedule. Choosing one tip at a time and incorporating it into one's routine will result in much more success and much less stress than trying to use several of them at once. Once time is more skillfully managed, calm energy and a peaceful sense of purpose can prevail.