When someone has a heart attack, it is due to the fact that the flow of blood into the heart is blocked. The blockage is usually caused by fat and cholesterol building up in the arteries. When the plaque builds up, it can form a clot that blocks the blood flow. When the heart is blocked from blood flow, it can destroy or damage part of the heart muscle.
Unfortunately, a heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction, can be life-threatening and lead to death. While treatment has improved radically over the years, it is very important that a person who has the symptoms of a heart attack seek hospital care or call 911 immediately. If quick enough treatment is given, the heart muscle may not be affected as severely, and the person may recover well. It is important to know all the symptoms of a potential heart attack for both men and women.
Signs of a Heart Attack for Men
Men can have a wide variety of symptoms, including:
- Pain. This pain may feel like an aching sensation in the chest and can go into the arms, back, jaw or neck.
- Pressure. The feeling of pressure in the neck, jaw, back, or chest may be a sign of a heart attack.
- Abdominal pain. Abdominal pain can sometimes be a sign of a heart attack.
- Nausea, indigestion, and heartburn. Some people may think that having indigestion or heartburn is a normal occurrence, but in some cases, it can be a symptom of a heart attack.
- Cold sweat. Cold sweating can occur as a symptom of a heart attack.
- Fatigue. Feeling extremely fatigued can be a sign of a heart attack.
- Shortness of breath. Feeling short of breath is a very common symptom of a heart attack.
- Dizziness. Being dizzy or feeling lightheaded is a common symptom of having a heart attack.
If a man is having any of the symptoms above, it is imperative that he call 911 or get to his local emergency room as soon as possible.
Signs of a Heart Attack for Women
Many women suffer from heart attacks and potentially don’t report it. This is due to the fact that the symptoms can be a bit more subtle. Signs of a heart attack for women include:
- Pain, or pressure. If a woman has pain or pressure in the center of their chest, it may be a sign.
- Discomfort and/or pain in the arms, jaw, stomach, or back.
- Shortness of breath. Shortness of breath may occur without any pain in the chest, or it may occur with pain in the chest.
- Cold sweat. Suddenly breaking out into a cold sweat can be a sign of a heart attack.
- Nausea and lightheadedness. If a woman experiences being dizzy or has nausea, along with some of the other symptoms above, this may be a sign of a heart attack.
As with anyone, a woman that has a heart attack will experience pain, but for women, some of the other issues like jaw pain, back pain, shortness of breath, and nausea may be more present. If a woman experiences any of these symptoms, they need to get to their local emergency room as soon as possible.
Heart Attack Prevention
There are several things that people can do to mitigate their risk of having a heart attack, these things include:
- Healthy diet. Eating plenty of foods that have omega-3 fatty acids should be done daily. Saturated fats, red meats, and sweets should only be eaten minimally. Trans fats and foods that say hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated need to be removed from the diet completely.
- Quit smoking. If a person is smoking, they need to quit as soon as possible. People who smoke are at an increased risk for heart disease.
- Blood pressure. To avoid a heart attack, people need to keep an eye on their blood pressure. High blood pressure can increase the risk of heart disease and having a heart attack. To manage this, people should avoid salt, eat healthily, and work on stress management.
- Relaxation. A person wishing to avoid having a heart attack should work on things like meditation and yoga to help curb stress levels.
- Blood sugar. Keeping up with blood sugar can also help to minimize the risk of having a heart attack. When there is too much sugar in the blood, it can actually cause damage to the arteries.
The best things a person can do to avoid a heart attack is to work on their diet, follow the tips above, and make sure that they see their doctor regularly. Regular heart care can ensure that the heart is functioning as it should.