main of here Are Many Reasons a Person Could Develop Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are irritated, inflamed superficial veins located in the anal area. They have many causes, and anyone can get them. Sometimes, they appear for no apparent reason, but there are still a number of things that can possibly cause them to make an appearance. Common causes include pregnancy, straining and pushing to have a bowel movement for too long, improperly lifting a heavy object, lack of exercise, drinking too little water and obesity. Anything that puts too much pressure on the veins in the anal area can potentially cause them. Hemorrhoids can bleed and itch. There are two basic kinds. One is internal. The other is external. Internal hemorrhoids aren't usually visible because they are located just inside the rectum. However, these can prolapse and extend to the outer area and become visible. External hemorrhoids develop just outside the rectal area. They are sometimes called piles. A common symptom of this condition is bleeding. Bright red blood may be present on the toilet paper or even as drops in the toilet bowl. Itching, caused by mucus from a prolapsed internal hemorrhoid, is another symptom. Treatment includes sitz baths, careful hygiene, increased fiber intake and topical preparations. More information on common causes of hemorrhoids will be the focus of this article. 

1 - Pregnancy

As the pregnancy progresses, especially in the third trimester, the developing fetus, extra blood volume and enlarging uterus put extra pressure on the rectal area. Pregnancy hormones may also weaken the muscles in the anal area. Hemorrhoids caused by pregnancy may disappear after delivery. However, hemorrhoids caused by pushing during the last stage of labor are common and more likely to persist after delivery. Prevention is the best option. Get plenty of fiber from fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of water. This will help to prevent constipation, which is a common cause of hemorrhoids in general. Sleep on one side. This will reduce pressure on the pelvic area. Kegel exercises will help to provide better circulation to the anal area. Witch hazel pads applied to the anal area may alleviate itching. These are safe to use during pregnancy.

2 - Constipation

This may be the single most important consideration when trying to avoid hemorrhoids. Constipation causes straining during a bowel movement, which puts pressure on the anal veins and can cause hemorrhoids to develop. The best way to avoid constipation is also the simplest way. Eat plenty of fiber from fruits and vegetables. Bran, oatmeal and whole grains are good, too. Drink lots of water. All of these will help keep the stool soft and easy to pass without straining. Regular exercise is also important to avoid constipation. Avoid laxatives. These stimulate the bowels to move and contract, forcing the stool out. However, they do nothing to treat the underlying cause of the problem. They can also cause painful intestinal cramps, and they can be habit-forming, too.

3 - Obesity

Obesity is an important and common cause of hemorrhoids. Increased body weight puts more pressure on the anal veins. Obesity is also a risk factor for heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Being a few pounds overweight isn't the same as obesity, which is defined as having a BMI, or body mass index, of 30 or more. Simple reference tables are available online to determine BMI. The same things that help prevent constipation will also help in weight reduction. That means more fiber, less saturated fat, more whole, natural foods and lots of pure water. Gross obesity is a medical condition in itself. It may require the use of weight-reducing drugs and even bariatric surgery. This is also called gastric-bypass surgery, in which a large portion of the stomach is closed off. While often successful, this surgery has serious risks. Losing weight through diet and lifestyle changes is almost always preferable and helps with overall health as well. 

4 - Heavy Lifting

Lifting heavy objects, especially repeatedly, can cause and aggravate hemorrhoids by putting extra pressure on the organs in the anal area. This can cause the anal veins to swell, leading to hemorrhoid development. Breathe normally while lifting. Holding breath will increase the pressure in the pelvic area. Many people will grunt with the effort required to lift the object. Grunting and holding the breath at the same time forces air down into the anal vein area, creating the pressure that contributes to hemorrhoids. While weight-lifting may cause hemorrhoids to form, other types of exercise will actually help to alleviate them. Try walking for 30 minutes a few times a week. Yoga and swimming are two other good options.